Sunday, January 29, 2012

It seems like I am on the computer regularly lately. I have been making sure all my files are correctly done and my picture count supply is correct. One of the changes I have done for this year is to not frame my pieces for the shows. All of my printed canvases will be wrapped instead of framed. This will give my booth a more consistent and cleaner look. One of the artist at a show suggested this. There is so much to learn and the other artist are very friendly and helpful. I have also been spending lots of time checking for shows to apply to. There are lots of shows you can apply for all over the country. After you find a show you would like to attend, you must first apply on line, then pay a jury fee. The jury will take a look at your art work and then decide if they would like you to attend. If the jury chooses you they will contact you, then you must pay your booth space. It takes a while to hear back. And that is where I am at. Waiting. I should hear within the next couple of days on one. Last year I was only in a few shows and mostly small one, just to see how it goes. This year I will hopefully be attending some in the Kansas City area and several in Colorado. I want to show nationwide. I figure if I don't try, I will never know if I can do it or not. Wish me luck.
I will be giving lots of information on this sight that I hope will help other new artist. As I learn things I will be writing about them.

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